WordPress database error: [Table 'pangamc_pangam.backupdb_wp_hfcm_scripts' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM `backupdb_wp_hfcm_scripts` WHERE status='active' AND device_type!='mobile' AND location NOT IN ( 'header', 'footer' )

IE Market Research Corp. has copyright on all reports and other electronic documents or media it produces in connection with client work. IE Market Research Corp. can use all of its features without restriction, including hardware, software, IE Market Research Corp.`s proprietary products, confidential information and trade secrets. This property remains the property of IE Market Research Corp., and the client does not acquire any rights or interests in it. IE Market Research Corp. will not disseminate, organize or in any way shape the results of contract research that would in any way adversely affect its client`s competitive position. 9.1 During discussions prior to this agreement and during the implementation of the project, the recipient and sponsor are expected to know confidential information and/or owners of the other. The parties are treated confidentially and, except in the context of the implementation of the sponsored research under this agreement, any information provided in writing by one of the parties and identified as confidential or published in writing within thirty days of the date of publication: including, but not limited to all information relating to sponsored research to be conducted under this Agreement, any information that one of the parties may acquire regarding the activities of other parties and any information regarding new products, prices, prices, know-how, processes and practices (“Confidential Information”) Confidentiality obligations and the non-use of confidential information apply to the termination or conduct of the agreement for a period of five years; unless, or until: 8.2, the recipient grants the promoter an exclusive option for the exclusive choice of sponsor, either for (a) a non-exclusive and licensed license for the use of the recipient`s intellectual property for all intents and purposes, or b) an exclusive license license licensed with the recipient`s intellectual property sublicensing right, or (c) an exclusive license for recipients who are interested in a common intellectual property. The terms of these licences are negotiated in good faith and are agreed between the recipient and the sponsor. Within 180 days of receiving the beneficiaries, the promoter will provide the recipient with a written notification to the recipient of the creation of an IP beneficiary or (II) in the event of common intellectual property, consent of the parties to the creation of the common intellectual property, whether or not the promoter decides to exercise the option. If the promoter (i) chooses not to exercise its option or (ii) does not make a written notification within that 180-day period, the promoter is automatically considered a waiver of any rights it may have on a license described in this section. When the proponent informs the recipient in writing of the exercise of the option, the parties negotiate in good faith, for a period of 180 days, a license of intellectual property or common intellectual property under conditions consistent with the conditions set out in this paragraph.

If, after negotiations in good faith, the parties fail to reach an agreement within 180 days, the recipient is free to enter into a licence with a third party for a beneficiary of the intellectual property subject to the right to use the sponsors of Section 8.1 and to grant his rights to that common intellectual property. CONSIDERING that the parties wish to implement research programs of mutual interest to the parties; and 8.3 In the event of the sponsor acquiring an exclusive license or right under the Dens8.2 of this article, the recipient reserves the right to continue to use the recipient`s intellectual property and common intellectual property for research purposes.