WordPress database error: [Table 'pangamc_pangam.backupdb_wp_hfcm_scripts' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM `backupdb_wp_hfcm_scripts` WHERE status='active' AND device_type!='mobile' AND location NOT IN ( 'header', 'footer' )

Several chapters briefly describe the description of work-related stress/stress, the identification of work-related stress problems, the responsibilities of employers and workers, and the reduction and prevention of work-related stress problems. Training managers and workers to raise awareness and understand stress, its potential causes and management, and/or how to adapt to change; This framework agreement negotiated in 2003 by the European social partners, which deals with issues such as the identification and prevention, the abolition or reduction of work-related burdens, as well as the responsibility of both employers and workers (and their representatives), will certainly help to combat this harmful and growing phenomenon which can potentially affect any job. provide information and consultations with workers and/or their representatives in accordance with EU law and legislation, collective agreements and national practices. The agreement describes a study of current trends and community and national measures to address stress and mental health issues related to work-related stress as “a condition accompanied by physical, psychological or social disorders or dysfunctions that results in people not being able to meet the demands or expectations imposed on them.” Identifying a work-related stress problem may include an analysis of factors such as work organization and processes, working conditions and environment, communication and subjective factors. Signs can be high rates of absenteeism or staff turnover, frequent interpersonal conflicts, or worker complaints. The aim of the actors is to increase awareness and understanding of work-related stress. In addition, employers and workers have a framework to identify and prevent work-related problems. In 2004, the European Trade Union, the Union of Industry and Employers` Confederations of Europe, the European Association of Small and Medium-sized Craft Enterprises and the European Centre for Public Participation Enterprises and Enterprises of General Economic Interest signed the Framework Agreement on Work Stress.